Customizing the VI Configuration

The open source VI firmware doesn’t include any CAN message definitions. If you know the details of your CAN signals, you can add your own implementation of the functions defined in signals.h to a file named signals.cpp.

In this example, we’ll pick a simple use case and walk through how to configure and compile the firmware. You’ll need to be comfortable getting around at the command line, but you don’t need to know any C++. The VI firmware can be developed in Windows, Linux or Mac OS X.

Let’s say we have a vehicle with a high speed CAN bus on the standard HS pins, connecting to the “CAN1” controller on our vehicle interface. There’s a CAN message on this bus sent by an ECU, and we want to read one numeric signal from the message - for this example, let it be the accelerator pedal position as a percentage.

CAN Message and Signal Details

The message contains driver control signals, so we’ll give it the name Driver_Controls so we can keep track of it. The message ID is 0x102.

In the message, there is a signal we’ll call Accelerator_Pedal_Pos that starts at bit 5 and is 7 bits wide - enough to represent pedal positions from 0 to 100.

The value on the bus is exactly how we want it to appear in the translated version over USB or Bluetooth. We want the name to be accelerator_pedal_position and we want to hide the rest of the details. We want the output format, sent via USB and UART (i.e. Bluetooth) from the VI to be the standard translated OpenXC message format (see the message format specification):

{"name": "accelerator_pedal_position", "value": 42}

JSON Configuration

The configuration files for the VI firmware are stored as a single JSON object in a file. JSON is a human-readable data format that’s a alternative to XML - we use it because it’s easy to parse, (sorta) easy to write by hand and the syntax is fairly obvious.

CAN Bus Definition

We’ll start by defining the CAN buses that we want to connect - open a file called accelerator-config.json and add this:

{   "name": "accelerator",
    "buses": {
        "hs": {
            "controller": 1,
            "speed": 500000
  • We gave this configuration the name accelerator - that will show up when we query for the query from the VI.
  • We defined 1 CAN bus and called it hs for “high speed” - the name is arbitrary but we’ll use it later on, so make it short and sweet. hs, ms, info - these are good names.
  • We configured this bus to be connected to the #1 controller on the VI - that’s typically what’s connected to the high speed bus in most vehicles.
  • We set the speed of this CAN bus at 500Kbps - the speed attribute is in bytes per second, so we set it to 500000.

CAN Message Definition

Next up, let’s define the CAN message we want to translate from the bus. Modify the file so it looks like this:

{   "name": "accelerator",
    "buses": {
        "hs": {
            "controller": 1,
            "speed": 500000
    "messages": {
        "0x102": {
            "name": "Driver_Controls",
            "bus": "hs"
  • We added a messages field to the JSON object.
  • We added a 0x102 field to messages - that’s our CAN message’s ID and we use it here as a “key” for the object.
  • Within the 0x102 message object:
  • We set the name of the message. This is just used in comments so we can keep track of which message is which, rather than memorizing the ID.
  • We set the bus field to hs, so this message will be pulled from the bus we defined (and named hs).

CAN Signal Definition

Don’t stop yet…we have to define our CAN signal before anything will be translated. Modify the file again:

{   "name": "accelerator",
    "buses": {
        "hs": {
            "controller": 1,
            "speed": 500000
    "messages": {
        "0x102": {
            "name": "Driver_Controls",
            "bus": "hs",
            "signals": {
                "Accelerator_Pedal_Pos": {
                    "generic_name": "accelerator_pedal_position",
                    "bit_position": 5,
                    "bit_size": 7
  • We added a signals field to the 0x102 message object, after the name. The order doesn’t matter, just watch out for the commas required after each field and value pair. There’s no comma after the last field in an object.
  • We added an Accelerator_Pedal_Pos field in the signals object - that’s the name of the signal, and like the message name, this is just for human readability.
  • The generic_name is what the name field will be in the translated format over USB and Bluetooth - we set it to accelerator_pedal_position.
  • We set the bit_position and bit_size for the signal.

That’s it - the configuration is finished. When we compile the VI firmware with this configuration, it will read our CAN message from the bus, parse and translate it into a JSON output message with a name and value, and send it out over USB and Bluetooth. Next, we’ll walk through how to do the compilation with your config.