
Windows USB Device Driver

On Windows, a driver is required to use the CAN translator’s USB interface. A driver is available in the conf/windows-driver folder. The driver supports both 32- and 64-bit Windows. The driver is generated using the libusb-win32 project.

Python Library

The OpenXC Python library, in particular the openxc-dashboard tool, is useful for testing the CAN translator with a regular computer, to verify the data received from a vehicle before introducing an Android device. Documentation for this tool (and the list of required dependencies) is available on the OpenXC vehicle interface testing page.


The repository includes a rudimentary CAN bus emulator:

$ make clean
$ make emulator

The emulator generates fakes values for many OpenXC signals and sends them over USB as if it were plugged into a live CAN bus.

Test Suite

The non-embedded platform specific code in this repository includes a unit test suite. It’s a good idea to run the test suite before committing any changes to the git repository.


The test suite uses the check library.


$ sudo apt-get install check


Install Homebrew, then check:

$ brew install check

Arch Linux

$ sudo pacman -S check

Running the Suite

cantranslator/src $ make clean && make test -s

Debugging information

Viewing Debugging data

To view debugging information, first compile the firmware with the debugging flag:

$ make clean
$ DEBUG=1 make
$ make flash

When compiled with DEBUG=1, two things happen:

  • Debug symbols are available in the .elf file generated in the build directory.

  • Log messages will be output over a UART port (no hardware flow control is required)

    • On the chipKIT Max32, logging will be on UART2 (Pin 16 - Tx, Pin 17 - Rx) at 115200 baud.
    • On the Blueboard LPC1768H, logging will be on UART0 (Pin P0.3 - Rx, Pin P0.2 - Tx) at 115200 baud.

View this output using an FTDI cable and any of the many available serial terminal monitoring programs, e.g. screen, minicom, etc.