Configuration Options

There are many configuration options - we recommend looking for your use case in the list of read or write to find a starting point, and refer to this section as a reference on particular configuration options.

The root level JSON object maps CAN bus addresses to CAN bus objects, CAN message IDs to CAN message objects in each bus, and CAN signal name to signal object within each message. Other top-level sections are available to list one-time initialization functions and to list arbitrary functions that should be added to the main loop.

In all cases when we refer to a “path,” either an absolute or relative path will work. If you use relative paths, however, they must be relative to the root of wherever you run the build scripts.

Once you’ve defined your message set in a JSON file, run the openxc-generate-firmware-code tool from the OpenXC Python library to create an implementation of signals.cpp:

vi-firmware/ $ openxc-generate-firmware-code --message-set mycar.json > src/signals.cpp

Message Set

Each JSON mapping file defines a “message set,” and it should have a name. Typically this identifies a particular model year vehicle, or possibly a broader vehicle platform. The name field is required.

bit_numbering_inverted - (optional, false by default, true by default for database-backed mappings) This flag controls the default bit numbering for all messages included in this message set. You can override the bit numbering for any particular message or mapping, too.

max_message_frequency - Set a default value for all buses for this attribute - see the Can Bus section for a description.

raw_can_mode - Set a default value for all buses for this attribute - see the Can Bus section for a description.

Parent Message Sets

Message sets are composable - you can extend a set by adding a path to the parent(s) to the parents key.


The key initializers should have as its value an array of strings. Each string should be the name of a function with the type signature:

void function();

These functions will be called once at the beginning of execution, before reading any CAN messages.


The key loopers should have as its value an array of strings. Each string should be the name of a function with the type signature:

void function();

These functions will be called once each time through the main loop function, after reading and processing any CAN messages.

CAN Buses

The key buses must be an object, where each field is a CAN bus uses by this message set, and which CAN controllers are attached on the microcontroller. The

controller - The integer ID of the CAN controller to which this bus is attached. The platforms we are using now only have 2 CAN controllers, identified here by 1 and 2 - these are the only acceptable bus addresses. If this field is not defined, the bus and any messages associated with it will be ignored (but it won’t cause an error, so you can swap between buses very quickly).

speed - The CAN bus speed in Kbps, most often 125000 or 500000.

raw_can_mode - Controls sending raw CAN messages (encoded as JSON objects) from the bus over the output channel. Valid modes are off (the default if you don’t specify this attribute), filtered (if messages are defined for the bus, will enable CAN filters and only transmit those messages), or unfiltered (disable acceptance filters and send all received CAN messages). If this attribute is set on a CAN bus object, it will override any default set at the message set level (e.g. you can have all buses configured to send filtered raw CAN messages, but override one to send unfiltered).

raw_writable - Controls whether or not raw CAN messages from the user can be written back to this bus, without any sort of translation. This is false by default. Even when this is false, messages may still be written to the bus if a signal is configured as writable, but they will translated from the user’s input first.

max_message_frequency - The default maximum frequency for all CAN messages when using the raw passthrough mode. To put no limit on the frequency, set this to 0 or leave it out. If this attribute is set on a CAN bus object, it will override any default set at the message set level. This value cascades to all CAN message objects for their max_frequency attribute, which can also be overridden at the message level.

force_send_changed - (default: true) Meant to be used in conjunction with max_message_frequency, if this is true a raw CAN message will be sent regardless of the given frequency if the value has changed (when using raw CAN passthrough). Setting the value here, on the CAN bus object, will cascade down to all CAN messages unless overridden.

CAN Messages

The messages key is a object with fields mapping from CAN message IDs to signal definitions. The fields must be hex IDs of CAN messages as strings (e.g. 0x90).


The attributes of each message object are:

bus - The name of one of the previously defined CAN buses where this message can be found.

bit_numbering_inverted - (optional, defaults to the value of the mapping, then default of the message set) This flag controls the default bit numbering for the signals in this message.

signals - A list of CAN signal objects (described in the Signal section) that are in this message, with the name of the signal as the key. If this is a database-backed mappping, this value must match the signal name in the database exactly - otherwise, it’s an arbitrary name.

name - (optional) The name of the CAN message - this is not required and has no meaning in code, it can just be handy to be able to refer back to an original CAN message definition in another document.

handlers - (optional) An array of names of functions that will be compiled with the firmware and should be applied to the entire raw message value (see Message Handlers).

enabled - (optional, true by default) Enable or disable all processing of a CAN message. By default, a message is enabled. If this flag is false, the CAN message and all its signals will be left out of the generated source code.

max_frequency - (default: 0, no limit) If sending raw CAN messages to the output interfaces, this controls the maximum frequency (in Hz) that the message will be process and let through. The default value (0) means that all messages will be processed, and there is no limit imposed by the firmware. If you want to make sure you don’t miss a change in value even when rate limiting, see the force_send_changed attribute.

max_signal_frequency - (default: 0, no limit) Setting the max signal frequency at the message level will cascade down to all of the signals within the message (unless overridden). The default value (0) means that all signals will be processed, and there is no limit imposed by the firmware. See the max_frequency flag documentation for the signal mapping for more information. If you want to make sure you don’t miss a change in value even when rate limiting, see the force_send_changed_signals attribute.

force_send_changed - (default: true) Meant to be used in conjunction with max_frequency, if this is true a raw CAN message will be sent regardless of the given frequency if the value has changed (when using raw CAN passthrough).

force_send_changed_signals - (default: false) Setting this value on a message will cascade down to all of the signals within the message (unless overridden). See the force_send_changed flag documentation for the signal mapping for more information.

Message Handlers

If you need additional control, you can provide custom handlers for the entire message to combine multiple signals into a single value (or any other arbitrary processing). You can generate 0, 1 or many translated messages from each call to a custom handler function.

void handleSteeringWheelMessage(int messageId, uint64_t data,
        CanSignal* signals, int signalCount, Pipeline* pipeline);
    float steeringWheelAngle = decodeCanSignal(&signals[1], data);
    float steeringWheelSign = decodeCanSignal(&signals[2], data);

    float finalValue = steeringWheelAngle;
    if(steeringWheelSign == 0) {
        // left turn
        finalValue *= -1;

    char* message = generateJson(signals[1], finalValue);
    sendMessage(usbDevice, (uint64_t*) message, strlen(message));

Using a custom message handler will not automatically stop the normal translation workflow for individual signals. To mute them (but still store their values in signal->lastvalue), specify ignoreHandler as the handler. This is not done by default because not every signal in a message is always handled by a message handler.


The attributes of a signal object within a message are:

generic_name - The name of the associated generic signal name (from the OpenXC specification) that this should be translated to. Optional - if not specified, the signal is read and stored in memory, but not sent to the output bus. This is handy for combining the value of multiple signals into a composite measurement such as steering wheel angle with its sign.

bit_position - (required only if not a database-backed mapping) The staring bit position of this signal within the message.

bit_size - (required only if not a database-backed mapping) The width in bits of the signal.

factor - (required only if not a database-backed mapping) The signal value is multiplied by this if set. Optional.

offset - (required only if not a database-backed mapping) This is added to the signal value if set. Optional.

handler - (optional) The name of a function that will be compiled with the firmware and should be applied to the signal’s value after the normal translation. See the Value Handlers section for details.

ignore - (default: false) Setting this to true on a signal will silence output of the signal. The VI will not monitor the signal nor store any of its values. This is useful if you are using a custom handler for an entire message, want to silence the normal output of the signals it handles, and you don’t need the VI to keep track of the values of any of the signals separately (in the lastValue field). If you need to use the previously stored values of any of the signals, you can use the ignoreHandler as a value handler for the signal.

states - (required only for state-based signals) This is a mapping between the desired descriptive states (e.g. off) and the corresponding numerical values from the CAN message (usually an integer). The raw values are specified as a list to accommodate multiple raw states being coalesced into a single final state (e.g. key off and key removed both mapping to just “off”).

max_frequency - (default: 0, no limit) Some CAN signals are sent at a very high frequency, likely more often than will ever be useful to an application. This attribute sets the maximum frequency (Hz) that the signal will be processed and let through. The defualt value (0) means that all values will be processed, and there is no limit imposed by the firmware. If you want to make sure you don’t miss a change in value even when dropping messages, see the force_send_changed attribute. You probably don’t want to combine this attribute with send_same or else you risk missing a status change message if wasn’t one of the messages the VI decided to let through.

send_same - (default: true) By default, all signals are translated every time they are received from the CAN bus. By setting this to false, you can force a signal to be sent only if the value has actually changed. This works best with boolean and state based signals.

force_send_changed - (default: false) Meant to be used in conjunction with max_frequency, if this is true a signal will be sent regardless of the given frequency if the value has changed. This is useful for state-based and boolean states, where the state change is the most important thing and you don’t want that message to be dropped.

writable - (default: false) Set this attribute to true to allow this signal to be written back to the CAN bus by an application. OpenXC JSON-formatted messages sent back to the VI that are writable are translated back into raw CAN messages and written to the bus. By default, the value will be interpreted as a floating point number.

write_handler - (optional, default is a numerical handler) If the signal is writable and is not a plain floating point number (i.e. it is a boolean or state value), you can specify a custom function here to encode the value for a CAN messages. This is only necessary for boolean types at the moment - if your signal has states defined, we assume you need to encode a string state value back to its original numerical value.

enabled - (optional, true by default) Enable or disable all processing of a CAN signal. By default, a signal is enabled; if this flag is false, the signal will be left out of the generated source code.

Value Handlers

The default value handler for each signal is a simple passthrough, translating the signal’s value from engineering units to something more usable (using the defined factor and offset). Some signals require additional processing that you may wish to do within the VI and not on the host device. Other signals may need to be combined to make a composite signal that’s more meaningful to developers.

An good example is steering wheel angle. For an app developer to get a value that ranges from e.g. -350 to +350, we need to combine two different signals - the angle and the sign. If you want to make this combination happen inside the VI, you can use a custom handler.

You may also need a custom handler to return a value of a type other than float. A handler is provided for dealing with boolean values, the booleanHandler - if you specify that as your signal’s handler the resulting JSON will contain true for 1.0 and false for 0.0. If you want to translate integer state values to string names (for parsing as an enum, for example) you will need to write a value handler that returns a char*.

For this example, we want to modify the value of steering_wheel_angle by setting the sign positive or negative based on the value of the other signal (steering_angle_sign). Every time a CAN signal is received, the new value is stored in memory. Our custom handler handleSteeringWheelAngle will use that to adjust the raw steering wheel angle value. Modify the input JSON file to set the handler attribute for the steering wheel angle signal to handleSteeringWheelAngle.

Add this to the top of signals.cpp (or if using the mapping file, add it to a separate .cpp file and then add that filename to the extra_sources field):

float handleSteeringWheelAngle(CanSignal* signal, CanSignal* signals,
        int signalCount, float value, bool* send) {
    if(signal->lastValue == 0) {
        // left turn
        value *= -1;
    return value;

The valid return types for value handlers are bool, float and char* - the function prototype must match one of:

char* customHandler(CanSignal* signal, CanSignal* signals, int signalCount,
        float value, bool* send);

float customHandler(CanSignal* signal, CanSignal* signals, int signalCount,
        float value, bool* send);

bool customhandler(cansignal* signal, cansignal* signals, int signalCount,
        float value, bool* send);

where signal is a pointer to the CanSignal this is handling, signals is an array of all signals, value is the raw value from CAN and send is a flag to indicate if this should be sent over USB.

The bool* send parameter is a pointer to a bool you can flip to false if this signal value need not be sent over USB. This can be useful if you don’t want to keep notifying the same status over and over again, but only in the event of a change in value (you can use the lastValue field on the CanSignal object to determine if this is true). It’s also good practice to inspect the value of send when your custom handler is called - the normal translation workflow may have decided the data shouldn’t be sent (e.g. the value hasn’t changed and sendSame == false). Handlers are called every time a signal is received, even if send == false, so that you have the flexibility to implement custom processing that depends on receiving every data point.

A known issue with this method is that there is no guarantee that the last value of another signal arrived in the message or before/after the value you’re current modifying. For steering wheel angle, that’s probably OK - for other signals, not so much.


The mappings field is an optional field allows you to move the definitions from the messages list to separate files for improved composability and readability.

For an detailed explanation of mapped message sets, see the example of a message set using mappings, see the Separate Files for Message Sets configuration example.

The mappings field must be a list of JSON objects with:

mapping - a path to a JSON file containing a single object with the key messages, containing objects formatted as the CAN Messages section documents. In short, you can pull out the messages key from the main file and throw it into a separate file and link it in here.

bus - (optional) The name of one of the defined CAN buses where these messages can be found - this value will be set for all of the messages contained the mapping file, but can be overridden by setting bus again in an individual message.

database - (optional) a path to a CAN message database associated with these mappings. Right now, XML exported from Vector CANdb++ is supported. If this is defined, you can leave the bit position, bit size, factor, offset, max and min values out of the mapping file - they will be picked up automatically from the database.

bit_numbering_inverted - (optional, defaults to the value of the message set, or true if this mapping is database-backed) This flag controls the default bit numbering for the messages contained in this mapping. Messages in the mapping can override the bit numbering by explicitly specifying their own value for this flag.

enabled - (optional, true by default) Enable or disable all processing of the CAN messages in a mapping. By default, a mapping is enabled; if this flag is false, all CAN message and signals from the mapping will be excluded from the generated source code.

Extra Sources

The extra_sources key is an optional list of C++ source files that should be injected into the generated signals.cpp file. These may include value handlers, message handlers, initializers or custom loopers.


The commands field is a mapping of arbitrary command names to functions that should be called to run arbitrary code in the VI on-demand (e.g. sending multiple CAN signals at once). The value of this attribute is a list of objects with these attributes:

name - The name of the command to be recognized on the OpenXC translated interface.

enabled - (optional, true by default) Enable or disable all processing of a command. By default, a command is enabled. If this flag is false, the command will be excluded from the generated source code.

handler - The name of a custom command handler function (that matches the CommandHandler function prototype from canutil.h) that should be called when the named command arrives over the translated VI interface (e.g. USB or Bluetooth).

bool (*CommandHandler)(const char* name, cJSON* value, cJSON* event,
        CanSignal* signals, int signalCount);

Any message received from the USB host with that given command name will be passed to your handler. This is useful for situations where there isn’t a 1 to 1 mapping between OpenXC command and CAN signal, e.g. if the left and right turn signal are split into two signals instead of the 1 state-based signal used by OpenXC. You can use the sendCanSignal function in canwrite.h to do the actual data sending on the CAN bus.